This is the scenario, both caller and receiver uses phones. Available options can be catergorized as following.
- Calling from Dual phone to Dual phone
- Calling from Regular phone to Regular phone
Let us see each of the above in detail..
Calling from Dual phone to Dual phone:
Dual phone need internet connection. So both caller and receiver need internet connection.
Once the dual phone (most of these are skype installed) is set up, we can call that phone using the Skype user ID used on that phone...
Its similar to calling from computer to computer using skype. Instead of computers, we are using Dual phones. So there is no need of computer, but we need internet connection. It can be used anywhere in the world.
Just by paying internet bills, we can go for unlimited calls on this method.
Dual phones are available for sale on
Calling from Regular phone(landline/mobile) to Regular phone(landline/mobile):
this method has been in use for long time....
either we can use call cards available or we choose a suitable plan from the phone service provider to make international calls. To call India from countries few selected countries (like US, UK, Australia,Malaysia), we can purchase prepaid credit from service providers like Reliance and Airtel.
for more info or